Fearless Sharing

19  And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, ”This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”


Luke 22:19

More than passing around food, this action symbolizes Christ offering himself to us.  For the sake of others (and the whole world), Jesus is broken and sacrificed.  But through the power of the Spirit, the Son of God is shared to whoever wants to receive.  God’s love makes this possible, and that’s why its possible for us to do the same.  Does pride, presumption or self-preservation keep you from sharing your spiritual life?  Since we’re approaching the season, are you more giving now than you were last year?  What will you do today to share and give away God’s love more than yesterday?…

O Lord, I seek Your face to shake me from the clutches of pride and self-righteousness, and help me to pour into the lives of others.  Help me to stop playing church, and help me to be the church,  in Jesus name,   AMEN…


God bless,

Rev. Jeffrey Brown

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