Fearlessly Fragrant




to end t=
he rule of fear in your life


blog fearlessfaith.net

1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly lo=
ved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just=
as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and s=
acrifice to God.


Ephesians 5:1,2



What is the fragrance of your life?  I w=
as rushing to a clergy meeting and crowded onto an elevator.  As we we=
re going up, I caught the distinct cologne of a minister I know.  With=
out turning around, I called his name, and he answered.  I knew it was=
him because he always wears the same stuff.  Fragrances are dist=
inctive and they send a message.  They are meant to be pleasing. =
Remember the babe in the manger =
received fragrance from the wise men: frankincense and myrrh.  It was =
meant to be pleasing to him.  The scent of your life becomes pleasing =
to God the more you pattern it from God.  “Live a life of love” says P=
aul, because, when you think of the life of Jesus, it was just that.  =
So, think about it today:  “What would Jesus say?  How would Jesu=
s react?  Would Jesus be pleased with the fragrance of your actions?”
Lord, You’re =
my doctor, and my Savior, You’re the goal of my soul.  I want to live =
life like You, that my faith, my words, my actions, my effort and my conduc=
t would bring a pleasing aroma to You.  Teach me to know your ways eve=
ry day, in Your name I pray,  AMEN


God bless,


Rev. Jeffrey Brown




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Rev. =
Jeffrey L Brown | 34 Tremlett St. | Dorchester | MA | 02124

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