to end t=
he rule of fear in your life
blog fearlessfaith.net
18 Prai=
se be to the Lord God, the God of Israel,
who alone does marvelous=
19 Praise be to his =
glorious name forever;
;may the whole earth be filled with his glory.Amen and Amen.
Psalm 72:18-19
Fearlessly Forward
Regardless of your political affiliati=
on, you had to be proud of our president’s speech last night, and proud to =
be an American. But I was also impressed by Cong. Emmanuel Cleaver’s =
speech as well. He stated that we must live the pledge we recite, “on=
e nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. A=
s President Obama said, “Its not about me, it is about you. You are t=
he change we’ve been seeking” The last part of this royal psalm is a =
reminder that, despite the greatness of the King, it is God who overshadows=
the deeds of the best of leaders. Everyone, including the king, shou=
ld be reminded that God is the true ruler of us all. Fill your life w=
ith God’s glory today, for the Lord will do marvelous deeds for you – watch=
and see…
on, you had to be proud of our president’s speech last night, and proud to =
be an American. But I was also impressed by Cong. Emmanuel Cleaver’s =
speech as well. He stated that we must live the pledge we recite, “on=
e nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. A=
s President Obama said, “Its not about me, it is about you. You are t=
he change we’ve been seeking” The last part of this royal psalm is a =
reminder that, despite the greatness of the King, it is God who overshadows=
the deeds of the best of leaders. Everyone, including the king, shou=
ld be reminded that God is the true ruler of us all. Fill your life w=
ith God’s glory today, for the Lord will do marvelous deeds for you – watch=
and see…
Lord, we acknowledge your greatness and graciousness in our liv=
es. We will fill our moments with praise, and usher Your glory into o=
ur daily tasks today. Continue to bless us, in Jesus name, AMEN=
God bless,
Rev. Jeffrey Brown
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Rev. Jeffrey L Brown | 34 Tremlet=
t St. | Dorchester | MA | 02124
t St. | Dorchester | MA | 02124