
Vid: Street Confessions

Street Confessions Above is the link to the video project of Villages Without Walls, a ministry of Bethel Pentecostal Church in Dorchester, MA. It is produced by the Greenwood Street youth they work with, and there are young men and women from across ‘hoods commenting on their lives on the streets.  A cautionary note:  the …

Screening "Street Confessions"

Screening “Street Confessions” a powerful local Boston documentary

Boston TenPoint held their monthly meeting at Twelfth Baptist Church, and showed the film “Street Confessions”, a project of Villages Without Walls, one of the outreach ministries of Bethel Pentecostal Church. The raw, brutally honest film was produced by the street youth that VWW works closely with, and features youth from across hoods. Telia Rivera …

Churches United for Peace Youth Mtg

Youth talking about living in a “culture of violence” at CUFP meeting

Last night Churches United for Youth Peace met at Twelfth Baptist Church to listen to the experiences of everyday youth grappling with community violence. The group, led by the Rev. Dr. Sylvia Johnson, is part of the Boston Foundation’s StreetSafe program, and aims to build the capacity of churches to work together addressing violence in …